Comparison of Methods

The Technology of the Strategic Implant ® All-on-4 /
All on 6 Technique
Conventional /
Traditional dental imlpants
Surface of the implant / features
Polished surface, high infection resistance
Rough surface, high chance of permantent infection
Rough surface, high chance of permanent infection
Special Risk of Implant Surface Structure
No risk is known
Bone Augmentation
Never necessary
Wird mitunter begleitend vorgenommen
Often necessary
Contra-Indikationen / special risks
  • Recent IV-bisphosphonate treatment
  • Permanent functional blockages of muscles or limbs
  • Recent IV treatment with Bisphosphonates
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • The procedure requires meticulous effforts for cleaning
  • Bone loss; lack of bone
  • Bad bone
  • Chronic periodontitis; Infections in the oral cavity
  • Recent IV treatment with Bisphosphonates
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • The procedure requires meticulous effforts for cleaning
  • Bone loss; lack of bone
  • Bad bone
  • Chronic periodontitis; Infections in the oral cavity
Number of implants placed typically
Upper jaw:
10 or more
4 (6)
Lower jaw:
Treatment time until delivery of the fixed bridge
max. 72 hours
24 - 72 hours
4-6 months; with bone augmentation 1 - 1.5 years
Loading/usage of the implants
After months or years
Connection implants/abutments
Implant and abutment are made from one single piece of metal
Screw connection to the bridge
Different kinds of screw connection
Type of intervention
Minimally invasive in most cases
Often an invasive intervention with a number of substantial risks & corrections
Often an invasive intervention with a number of substantial risks & corrections
Immediate implant placement after tooth removal
Usually yes; the most effective variant of treatment with hoghest chances of success
Sometimes possible; otherwise tooth removal and a period of wearing an intermediate denture follows
Sometimes possible; otherwise tooth removal and a period of wearing an intermediate denture follows
Occurrence of Peri-Implantitis
Wurde bisher nicht beobachtet
Periimplanttis tritt bei allen herkömmlichen Implantaten auf
Periimplanttis tritt bei allen herkömmlichen Implantaten auf
Mucosal penetration diameter of the implants
2 mm
3,5-5,0 mm
3,5-5,0 mm
Thread diameter of the implants
2.7 - 12 mm
3,5-5,0 mm
3,5-5,0 mm
Necessary bone quality
Not relevant for this treatment
At least D3, better D2 for All on 4 immediate loading protocol
Good bone quality is a necessary prerequisite for all treatment; bad bone quality prevents treatments or leads to prolonged treatment time and long healing times
Estimated costs of treatment (depending on the place of treatment and on the type ofthe bridge material chosen).
Full reconstruction upper and lower jaw::
10.000 - 22.000 Euro
25.000 - 50.000 Euro
Segment reconstruaviot (3-4 missing teeth):
3.500 - 6000 Euro
nicht möglich mit dieser Technik
Single tooth replacement:
1.300 - 2500 Euro*
nicht möglich mit dieser Technik
Number of teeth on the new reconstruction, on implants
12 (from 6 to 6)
10 (from 5 to 5)
Any amount is possible, it depends on the surgical effort and on augmentations
Reasons for failure
Exactly 5 causes of failures are known, and they can be clearly identified by experts. Because the causes of errors are known or can be determined with certainty, they can be avoided or taken into account during corrective treatment.
There are innumerable (at least 30) different theories regarding the causes of conventional implant losses circulating. It is not possible to identify the real causes of failures with All-on-4/6. The situation is the same even if the treatment is repeated (after failure). A possible failure analysis is not based on scientifically comprehensible knowledge but at most on presumptions and misconceptions. Traditional dental implantology is not a true medical science.
There are innumerable (at least 30) different theories regarding the causes of conventional implant losses circulating. It is not possible to identify the real causes of failures with All-on-4/6. The situation is the same even if the treatment is repeated (after failure). A possible failure analysis is not based on scientifically comprehensible knowledge but at most on presumptions and misconceptions. Traditional dental implantology is not a true medical science.
Repeated treatment after failures?
Another treatment attempt is usually possible without bone augmentation.
Depending on the extent of the bone loss or the damage done be the 1st treatment, another treatment trial may still be possible. Typically this treatment trial will include bone augmentation.
Depending on the extent of the bone loss or the damage done be the 1st treatment, another treatment trial may still be possible. Typically this treatment trial will include bone augmentation.
* as sometimes every root of a tooth must be replaced by an implant, the prices can vary.